Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 in review

Happy New Year! Well, it was a slower year in 2012 than in 2011 for the crew of Flying Dodo Publications. We only printed three comics, but we have an additional 2 in anthologies.
  • Bubbles and Other Tales – originally in Bureau of Drawers Volume B (PDF); expanded in Bubbles and Other Tales online and in print.
  • Tightie-Whities and Their Men – small printed book of sketches
  • An Extensive and Practical Guide to Protecting Your Chickens from Coyotes – print only (so far)
  • Corner of Imagination – Bureau of Drawers Volume C (PDF); we will make a book of this short comic soon.
  • Tardigrade – Science: Fact and Fiction published by Stumptown Underground
Unfortunately we had a few failed comics, but they are still in progress. We have not forgotten about The Autovoyuerist, but that one just falls apart more and more. Not only do the original colors not want to print in a legible way, but we lost the original art somewhere. And we are having troubles with Great Beard colors. Colors are just difficult. But they are not in the scrap bin just yet.
However, there is another mini comic in the works – just needs layout and printing – calledDelicate Souffle. And I thumbnailed my longest story yet, working title of COB, that is about 108 pages. This will hopefully be completed by the end of 2013, so it should be an exciting year here. Look for an announcement of chapter 1 in March, hopefully.
I started my own web comic, Spaz Hands, for autobio, which is a genre I am extremely fond of.  And The Jerks went to full color with the marvelous talents of Abe.
On the show front, we did great. We had a booth at 5 conventions and I hosted an art show with my mom, Ink Tub Art Show. We got to walk around at Stumptown Comic Fest in Portland where we met Shing Khor in person (Marlowe the Monster) and said hi to Liz Conley, who we met the previous year at Stumptown.
One of the biggest things of 2012, Abe graduated from Seattle Central Community College with a certificate in Publishing Arts and now works at Minuteman Press. He is busy, but doing great and loving it.
In addition to completing COB in 2013, we, as last year, plan to blog more. And more interesting. This of course seems feasible after a week where neither of us had to go to work. I haven’t even left the house since Wednesday. But we have a plan and a list. Hopefully this pans out.
I would also like to introduce our new team. Some of us you already know.
Angela (that’s me) is the artist behind everything we do. She writes, she draws, she makes everyone (Abe) work really hard.
Abe is the head of IT, PR, Prepress, and Customer Service. Quite a big hat. He wears it well. He can be a bit of a downer but is good enough at what he does that it doesn’t really matter.
Walter takes care of our website and computing needs as directed by Abe. He likes sulking and the most we know about him is his headphones have skulls on them.
Pamela is responsible for all artistic decisions. In her spare time, Pamela is an enthusiastic, if confused, soccer player.
Susie is the only extrovert here and thus is responsible for letting you know when awesome things happen and developing relationships with people outside of our office (living room). Pamela is her twin sister. Susie hates soccer.
Bret takes care of your purchasing needs. Though he has been out of the frat for a while, due to an unfortunate misunderstanding according to him, he still has the frat mentality and will frequently shout “Chug, chug, chug” whenever anyone drinks anything. Ever.
Milton is our curmudgeonly owner. We tried to get him to retire, but he would miss grumping about the office too much.
Constance takes care of all our digitizing and layout needs. No one knows much about Constance. We had to tape her picture to the back of her monitors to remember what she looks like.

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